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Alaska (AK)
Member                               Phone         District Num  

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) 202-224-6665 907-376-7665
Don Young (R-ALL) 202-225-5765 907-225-6880

Alabama (AL)
Member                               Phone         District Num  Electronic Correspondence

Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R) 202-224-5744 205-759-5047
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) 202-224-4124 256-533-0979 http://sessions.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ConstituentServices.ContactMe Jo Bonner (R-01) 202-225-4931 251-943-2073 http://bonner.house.gov/HoR/AL01/Contact+Jo/Email+Jo/
Terry Everett (R-02) 202-225-2901 334-794-9680 http://www.house.gov/formeverett/IMA/zipauth.html
Mike Rogers (R-03) 202-225-3261 334-277-4210 http://www.house.gov/mike-rogers/contact.shtml
Robert B. Aderholt (R-04) 202-225-4876 256-546-0201 http://aderholt.house.gov/?sectionid=195&sectiontree=195
Bud Cramer, Jr. (D-05) 202-225-4801 256-551-0190 http://cramer.house.gov/NR/exeres/3AFBDAAF-1015-4C72-95FC-474743BC67C2.htm
Spencer Bachus (R-06) 202-225-4921 205-280-0704 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Artur Davis (D-07) 202-225-2665 205-752-5380 http://www.house.gov/arturdavis/zipauth.shtml
Arkansas (AR)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D) 202-224-4843 501-375-2993 http://lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
Sen. Mark Pryor (D) 202-224-2353 501-324-6336 http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
Marion Berry (D-01) 202-225-4076 501-843-3043 http://www.house.gov/berry/zipauth.shtml
Vic Snyder (D-02) 202-225-2506 501-324-5941 http://www.house.gov/snyder/contact-form.shtml
John Boozman (R-03) 202-225-4301 479-782-7787 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Michael A. Ross (D-04) 202-225-3772 870-881-0681 http://ross.house.gov/?sectionid=77&sectiontree=7677
American Samoa (AS)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Del. Eni F. H. Faleomavaega (D) 202-225-8577 684-633-1372 faleomavaega@mail.house.gov
Arizona (AZ)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. John McCain (R) 202-224-2235 480-897-6289 http://mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. Jon Kyl (R) 202-224-4521 520-575-8633 http://kyl.senate.gov/contact.cfm
Rick Renzi (R-01) 202-225-2315 928-587-3417 http://www.house.gov/renzi/email.shtml
Trent Franks (R-02) 202-225-4576 623-776-7911 http://www.house.gov/franks/IMA/email.shtml
John B. Shadegg (R-03) 202-225-3361 602-263-5300 http://www.house.gov/formshadegg/emailtemplate.htm
Ed Pastor (D-04) 202-225-4065 602-256-0551 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Harry Mitchell (D-05) 202-225-2190 480-946-2411 http://mitchell.house.gov/contact/
Jeff Flake (R-06) 202-225-2635 480-833-0092 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Raul Grijalva (D-07) 202-225-2435 520-622-6788 http://grijalva.house.gov/?sectionid=49&sectiontree=249
Gabrielle Giffords (D-08) 202-225-2542 520-881-3588 http://giffords.house.gov/contact/email/
California (CA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) 202-224-3841 619-231-9712 http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.EmailMe
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) 202-224-3553 909-888-8525 http://boxer.senate.gov/contact/email/policy.cfm
Mike Thompson (D-01) 202-225-3311 530-662-5272 http://mikethompson.house.gov/contact/email.shtml
Wally Herger (R-02) 202-225-3076 530-223-5898 http://www.house.gov/herger/contact.shtml
Dan Lungren (R-03) 202-225-5716 916-859-9906 http://lungren.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=146&
John T. Doolittle (R-04) 202-225-2511 800-232-1336 http://doolittle.house.gov/email/
Doris Matsui (D-05) 202-225-7163 916-498-5600 https://forms.house.gov/matsui/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Lynn C. Woolsey (D-06) 202-225-5161 415-507-9554 http://woolsey.house.gov/contactemailform.asp
George Miller (D-07) 202-225-2095 707-645-1888 http://georgemiller.house.gov/contactus/2007/08/post_1.html
Nancy Pelosi (D-08) 202-225-4965 415-556-4862 sf.nancy@mail.house.gov
Barbara Lee (D-09) 202-225-2661 510-763-0370 http://lee.house.gov/?sectionid=128&sectiontree=18128
Ellen O. Tauscher (D-10) 202-225-1880 707-428-7792 http://www.tauscher.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=966&Itemid=103
Jerry McNerney (D-11) 202-225-1947 925-737-0727 http://mcnerney.house.gov/contact.shtml
Jackie Speier (D-12) 202-225-3531 650-342-0300 http://speier.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.shtml
Fortney (Pete) Stark (D-13) 202-225-5065 510-494-1388 http://www.house.gov/stark/contact/index.htm
Anna G. Eshoo (D-14) 202-225-8104 650-323-2984 http://eshoo.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=447&Itemid=
Mike Honda (D-15) 202-225-2631 408-558-8085 http://www.honda.house.gov/contactmike.shtml
Zoe Lofgren (D-16) 202-225-3072 408-271-8700 http://lofgren.house.gov/emailform.shtml
Sam Farr (D-17) 202-225-2861 831-429-1976 http://www.farr.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=202
Dennis Cardoza (D-18) 202-225-6131 209-383-4455 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
George P. Radanovich (R-19) 202-225-4540 209-579-5458 http://radanovich.house.gov/Contact/email.htm
Jim Costa (D-20) 202-225-3341 559-495-1620 http://www.house.gov/formcosta/issue.htm
Devin Nunes (R-21) 202-225-2523 559-733-3861 http://www.nunes.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.ContactForm
Kevin McCarthy (R-22) 202-225-2915 661-327-3611 http://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/showpage.asp?ID=69
Lois Capps (D-23) 202-225-3601 805-546-8348 http://www.house.gov/capps/contact/send_an_email.shtml
Elton Gallegly (R-24) 202-225-5811 805-686-2525 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Howard P. (Buck) McKeon (R-25) 202-225-1956 661-274-9688 http://mckeon.house.gov/contact.html
David Dreier (R-26) 202-225-2305 909-575-6226 http://dreier.house.gov/talkto.htm
Brad Sherman (D-27) 202-225-5911 818-501-9200 http://www.house.gov/sherman/contact/
Howard L. Berman (D-28) 202-225-4695 818-994-7200 http://www.house.gov/berman/contact/
Adam Schiff (D-29) 202-225-4176 626-304-2727 http://schiff.house.gov/HoR/CA29/Contact+Information/Contact+Form.htm
Henry A. Waxman (D-30) 202-225-3976 323-651-1040 http://www.house.gov/waxman/contact.htm
Xavier Becerra (D-31) 202-225-6235 213-483-1425 http://becerra.house.gov/HoR/CA31/Hidden+Content/Email+Signup+Form.htm
Hilda A. Solis (D-32) 202-225-5464 323-307-9904 http://solis.house.gov/contact/email.shtml
Diane E. Watson (D-33) 202-225-7084 323-965-1422 http://www.house.gov/watson/zipauth.shtml
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-34) 202-225-1766 213-628-9230 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Maxine Waters (D-35) 202-225-2201 323-757-8900 http://www.house.gov/waters/IMA/issue.htm
Jane Harman (D-36) 202-225-8220 310-643-3636 http://www.house.gov/harman/contact/email.shtml
Laura Richardson (D-37) 202-225-7924 562-436-3828 http://richardson.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Grace Napolitano (D-38) 202-225-5256 562-801-2134 http://www.napolitano.house.gov/contact/feedback.htm
Linda T. Sanchez (D-39) 202-225-6676 562-860-5050 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Edward R. Royce (R-40) 202-225-4111 714-992-8081 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Jerry Lewis (R-41) 202-225-5861 800-233-1700 http://www.house.gov/jerrylewis/WritetoRepresentativeLewis.htm
Gary Miller (R-42) 202-225-3201 714-257-1142 http://garymiller.house.gov/Contact/
Joe Baca (D-43) 202-225-6161 909-885-2222 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ken Calvert (R-44) 202-225-1986 951-784-4300 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Mary Bono Mack (R-45) 202-225-5330 951-658-2312 http://www.house.gov/formbono/issue.htm
Dana Rohrabacher (R-46) 202-225-2415 714-960-6483 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Loretta Sanchez (D-47) 202-225-2965 714-621-0102 http://www.lorettasanchez.house.gov/forms/contact.html
John Campbell (R-48) 202-225-5611 949-756-2244 http://campbell.house.gov/Contact/
Darrell Issa (R-49) 202-225-3906 760-599-5000 http://issa.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Brian Bilbray (R-50) 202-225-0508 858-350-1150 http://www.house.gov/bilbray/contact.shtml
Bob Filner (D-51) 202-225-8045 619-422-5963 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Duncan Hunter (R-52) 202-225-5672 619-448-5201 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Susan A. Davis (D-53) 202-225-2040 619-280-5353 http://www.house.gov/susandavis/contact.shtml
Colorado (CO)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Wayne Allard (R) 202-224-5941 970-461-3530 N/A
Sen. Ken Salazar (D) 202-224-5852 970-224-2200 http://salazar.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Diana DeGette (D-01) 202-225-4431 303-844-4988 http://www.house.gov/formdegette/zip_auth.htm
Mark Udall (D-02) 202-225-2161 303-650-7820 http://markudall.house.gov/HoR/CO02/Contact+Mark/Contact+Mark.htm
John Salazar (D-03) 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 http://www.house.gov/salazar/contact.shtml
Marilyn Musgrave (R-04) 202-225-4676 970-522-1788 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Doug Lamborn (R-05) 202-225-4422 719-520-0055 http://lamborn.house.gov/ZipAuth.aspx
Tom Tancredo (R-06) 202-225-7882 720-283-9772 http://tancredo.house.gov/contact/contact_contacttom.shtml
Ed Perlmutter (D-07) 202-225-2645 303-274-7944 http://perlmutter.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Connecticut (CT)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D) 202-224-2823 800-334-5341 http://dodd.senate.gov/index.php?q=node/3128&cat=Opinion
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I) 202-224-4041 860-549-8463 http://lieberman.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm?regarding=issue
John Larson (D-01) 202-225-2265 860-278-8888 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Joe Courtney (D-02) 202-225-2076 860-886-0139 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Rosa L. DeLauro (D-03) 202-225-3661 203-562-3718 http://delauro.house.gov/contact_form_email.cfm
Christopher Shays (R-04) 202-225-5541 203-357-8277 http://www.house.gov/shays/contact/index.shtml
Christopher Murphy (D-05) 202-225-4476 860-223-8412 http://www.house.gov/formchrismurphy/ic_zip_auth.htm
District of Columbia (DC)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) 202-225-8050 202-783-5065 http://www.norton.house.gov/forms/contact.html
Delaware (DE)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D) 202-224-5042 302-573-6345 http://biden.senate.gov/services/contact/
Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D) 202-224-2441 302-856-7690 http://carper.senate.gov/contact/
Michael N. Castle (R-ALL) 202-225-4165 302-428-1902 http://www.house.gov/formcastle/IMA/zipauth.html
Florida (FL)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Bill Nelson (D) 202-224-5274 305-536-5999 http://billnelson.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Sen. Mel Martinez (R) 202-224-3041 904-398-8586 http://martinez.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.ContactForm
Jeff Miller (R-01) 202-225-4136 850-664-1266 http://jeffmiller.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
Allen Boyd (D-02) 202-225-5235 850-561-3979 http://www.house.gov/boyd/zip_authen.html
Corrine Brown (D-03) 202-225-0123 407-872-0656 http://www.house.gov/corrinebrown/IMA/issue.shtml
Ander Crenshaw (R-04) 202-225-2501 386-365-3316 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ginny Brown-Waite (R-05) 202-225-1002 352-799-8354 http://www.house.gov/formbrown-waite/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Cliff Stearns (R-06) 202-225-5744 904-269-3203 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
John L. Mica (R-07) 202-225-4035 407-657-8080 http://www.house.gov/mica/messageform.shtml
Ric Keller (R-08) 202-225-2176 888-642-1211 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Gus Michael Bilirakis (R-09) 202-225-5755 813-985-8541 http://www.house.gov/formbilirakis/issue_subscribe.htm
C. W. (Bill) Young (R-10) 202-225-5961 727-893-3191 Bill.Young@mail.house.gov
Kathy Anne Castor (D-11) 202-225-3376 813-871-2817 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Adam Putnam (R-12) 202-225-1252 863-534-3530 http://adamputnam.house.gov/contact.shtml
Vernon Gale Buchanan (R-13) 202-225-5015 941-951-6643 http://buchanan.house.gov/contact.shtml
Connie Mack (R-14) 202-225-2536 239-252-6225 http://mack.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactConnie.ContactForm
Dave Weldon (R-15) 202-225-3671 800-939-3515 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Tim Edward Mahoney (D-16) 202-225-5792 941-627-9100 http://www.house.gov/formmahoney/issue_subscribe.htm
Kendrick B. Meek (D-17) 202-225-4506 954-450-6767 http://kendrickmeek.house.gov/contact1.shtml
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-18) 202-225-3931 305-220-3281 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Robert Wexler (D-19) 202-225-3001 561-988-6302 http://www.wexler.house.gov/email.shtml
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-20) 202-225-7931 954-437-3936 http://wassermanschultz.house.gov/zipauth.htm
Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-21) 202-225-4211 305-470-8555 http://diaz-balart.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Offices.Contact
Ron J. Klein (D-22) 202-225-3026 954-522-4579 http://klein.house.gov/content/contact/
Alcee L. Hastings (D-23) 202-225-1313 561-684-0565 http://www.alceehastings.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=104&Itemid=
Tom Feeney (R-24) 202-225-2706 321-264-6113 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-25) 202-225-2778 305-225-6866 http://www.house.gov/formmariodiaz-balart/ic_zip_auth.htm
Georgia (GA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) 202-224-3521 770-763-9090 http://chambliss.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.ContactForm&CFID=51026269&CFTOKEN=46757234
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R) 202-224-3643 770-661-0999 http://isakson.senate.gov/contact.cfm
Jack Kingston (R-01) 202-225-5831 229-247-9188 http://kingston.house.gov/ContactForm/zipauth.htm
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-02) 202-225-3631 706-320-9477 http://bishop.house.gov/display.cfm?content_id=229
Lynn Westmoreland (R-03) 202-225-5901 770-683-2033 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Hank Johnson (D-04) 202-225-1605 770-987-2291 http://hankjohnson.house.gov/contact_hank_write.shtml
John Lewis (D-05) 202-225-3801 404-659-0116 http://www.house.gov/formjohnlewis/contact.html
Tom Price (R-06) 202-225-4501 678-493-6176 http://tomprice.house.gov/html/contact_form_email.cfm
John Linder (R-07) 202-225-4272 770-232-3005 http://linder.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactJohn.ContactForm
Jim Marshall (D-08) 202-225-6531 877-464-0255 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Nathan Deal (R-09) 202-225-5211 706-226-5320 http://www.house.gov/deal/contact.shtml
Paul C. Broun (R-10) 202-225-4101 706-886-1008 http://broun.house.gov/email.shtml
Phil Gingrey (R-11) 202-225-2931 770-429-1776 http://www.house.gov/formgingrey/IMA/issue.htm
John Barrow (D-12) 202-225-2823 478-553-1923 http://barrow.house.gov/contactemail.asp
David Scott (D-13) 202-225-2939 770-210-5073 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Guam (GU)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Del. Madeleine Bordallo (D) 202-225-1188 671-477-4272 http://www.house.gov/bordallo/IMA/issue.htm
Hawaii (HI)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D) 202-224-3934 808-245-4611 http://inouye.senate.gov/abtform.html
Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D) 202-224-6361 808-935-1114 http://akaka.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
Neil Abercrombie (D-01) 202-225-2726 808-541-2570 neil.abercrombie@mail.house.gov
Mazie Hirono (D-02) 202-225-4906 808-541-1986 http://hirono.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Iowa (IA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R) 202-224-3744 319-363-6832 http://grassley.senate.gov/contact.cfm#emailform
Sen. Tom Harkin (D) 202-224-3254 712-252-1550 http://harkin.senate.gov/c/
Bruce Braley (D-01) 202-225-2911 563-557-7789 https://forms.house.gov/braley/webforms/issue_subscribe.html
Dave Loebsack (D-02) 202-225-6576 319-351-0789 http://loebsack.house.gov/contactform/
Leonard L. Boswell (D-03) 202-225-3806 888-432-1984 http://boswell.house.gov/article.asp?id=279
Tom Latham (R-04) 202-225-5476 515-232-2885 http://www.tomlatham.house.gov/Contact/
Steve King (R-05) 202-225-4426 712-580-7754 http://www.house.gov/steveking/email.shtm
Idaho (ID)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Larry E. Craig (R) 202-224-2752 208-523-5541 http://craig.senate.gov/webform.cfm
Sen. Mike Crapo (R) 202-224-6142 208-334-1776 http://crapo.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Bill Sali (R-01) 202-225-6611 208-743-1388 http://sali.house.gov/zipauth.shtml
Mike Simpson (R-02) 202-225-5531 208-734-7219 http://www.house.gov/simpson/emailme.shtml
Illinois (IL)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D) 202-224-2152 312-353-4952 http://durbin.senate.gov/contact.cfm
Sen. Barack Obama (D) 202-224-2854 312-886-3506 http://obama.senate.gov/contact/
Bobby L. Rush (D-01) 202-225-4372 773-224-6500 http://www.house.gov/rush/zipauth.shtml
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (D-02) 202-225-0773 708-798-6000 http://www.jessejacksonjr.org/contact.htm
Dan Lipinski (D-03) 202-225-5701 708-424-0853 http://www.house.gov/formlipinski/zipauth.html
Luis V. Gutierrez (D-04) 202-225-8203 773-342-0774 http://luisgutierrez.house.gov/singlepage.aspx?newsid=1262
Rahm Emanuel (D-05) 202-225-4061 773-267-5926 https://forms.house.gov/emanuel/IMA/email_zipcheck.shtml
Peter Roskam (R-06) 202-225-4561 630-893-9670 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Danny Davis (D-07) 202-225-5006 708-345-6857 http://www.house.gov/davis/zipauth.htm
Melissa Bean (D-08) 202-225-3711 847-925-0265 http://www.house.gov/bean/issue_subscribe.htm
Janice Schakowsky (D-09) 202-225-2111 773-506-7100 http://www.house.gov/schakowsky/email.shtml
Mark S. Kirk (R-10) 202-225-4835 847-940-0202 http://www.house.gov/kirk/zipauth.shtml
Jerry Weller (R-11) 202-225-3635 815-740-2028 http://www.house.gov/formweller/formweller/zipauth.htm
Jerry F. Costello (D-12) 202-225-5661 618-233-8026 http://costello.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.shtml
Judy Biggert (R-13) 202-225-3515 630-655-2052 http://judybiggert.house.gov/ContactJudy.aspx
Bill Foster (D-14) 202-225-2976 815-288-0680 http://foster.house.gov/Contact/
Timothy V. Johnson (R-15) 202-225-2371 217-348-6759 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Donald A. Manzullo (R-16) 202-225-5676 815-394-1231 http://manzullo.house.gov/zipauth.aspx
Phil Hare (D-17) 202-225-5905 217-422-9150 http://hare.house.gov/?sectionid=74&sectiontree=445074
Ray LaHood (R-18) 202-225-6201 217-245-1431 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
John Shimkus (R-19) 202-225-5271 618-392-7737 http://www.house.gov/shimkus/emailme.shtml
Indiana (IN)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R) 202-224-4814 317-226-5555 senator_lugar@lugar.senate.gov
Sen. Evan Bayh (D) 202-224-5623 260-426-3151 http://bayh.senate.gov/contact/email/
Peter J. Visclosky (D-01) 202-225-2461 219-795-1844 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Joe Donnelly (D-02) 202-225-3915 574-288-2780 http://donnelly.house.gov/issue_subscribe.shtml
Mark Edward Souder (R-03) 202-225-4436 800-959-3041 http://souder.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Stephen E. Buyer (R-04) 202-225-5037 317-838-0404 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Dan Burton (R-05) 202-225-2276 800-382-6020 http://www.house.gov/burton/zipauth.htm
Mike Pence (R-06) 202-225-3021 765-747-5566 https://forms.house.gov/pence/IMA/contact_form.htm
Andre Carson (D-07) 202-225-4011 317-283-6516 http://carson.house.gov/contact.me.shtml
Brad Ellsworth (D-08) 202-225-4636 812-232-0523 http://www.ellsworth.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=126&Itemid=
Baron P. Hill (D-09) 202-225-5315 812-288-3999 http://baronhill.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.shtml
Kansas (KS)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Sam Brownback (R) 202-224-6521 785-233-2503 http://brownback.senate.gov/CMEmailMe.cfm
Sen. Pat Roberts (R) 202-224-4774 913-451-9343 http://roberts.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.EmailPat
Jerry Moran (R-01) 202-225-2715 785-628-6401 http://www.jerrymoran.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=117&Itemid=128
Nancy Boyda (D-02) 202-225-6601 785-234-8111 http://boyda.house.gov/?sectionid=55
Dennis Moore (D-03) 202-225-2865 913-383-2013 http://www.moore.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Todd Tiahrt (R-04) 202-225-6216 316-262-8992 http://tiahrt.house.gov/?sectionid=12
Kentucky (KY)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) 202-224-2541 502-582-6304 http://mcconnell.senate.gov/contact_form.cfm
Sen. Jim Bunning (R) 202-224-4343 606-435-2390 http://bunning.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Edward Whitfield (R-01) 202-225-3115 270-826-4180 http://whitfield.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Ron Lewis (R-02) 202-225-3501 270-842-9896 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
John Yarmuth (D-03) 202-225-5401 502-582-5129 http://yarmuth.house.gov/?sectionid=68&sectiontree=62968
Geoff Davis (R-04) 202-225-3465 859-426-0080 http://geoffdavis.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Harold Rogers (R-05) 202-225-4601 606-679-8346 http://halrogers.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Ben Chandler (D-06) 202-225-4706 859-219-1366 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Louisiana (LA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) 202-224-5824 504-589-2427 http://landrieu.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Sen. David Vitter (R) 202-224-4623 504-589-2753 http://vitter.senate.gov/?module=webformIQV1
Steve Scalise (R-01) 202-225-3015 504-837-1259 http://www.scalise.house.gov/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
William J. Jefferson (D-02) 202-225-6636 504-589-2274 http://jefferson.house.gov/?sectionid=8&sectiontree=38
Charlie Melancon (D-03) 202-225-4031 337-367-8231 http://www.melancon.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=205
Jim McCrery (R-04) 202-225-2777 318-798-2254 http://mccrery.house.gov/FormCheck.asp
Rodney Alexander (R-05) 202-225-8490 318-322-3500 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Don Cazayoux (D-06) 202-225-3901 225-929-7711 https://forms.house.gov/cazayoux/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-07) 202-225-2031 337-433-1747 http://boustany.house.gov/ContactCharles.asp
Massachusetts (MA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D) 202-224-4543 617-565-3170 http://kennedy.senate.gov/senator/contact.cfm
Sen. John F. Kerry (D) 202-224-2742 508-677-0522 http://kerry.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
John W. Olver (D-01) 202-225-5335 413-532-7010 http://www.house.gov/olver/contactme.html
Richard E. Neal (D-02) 202-225-5601 508-634-8198 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
James P. McGovern (D-03) 202-225-6101 508-677-0140 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Barney Frank (D-04) 202-225-5931 617-332-3920 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Niki Tsongas (D-05) 202-225-3411 978-459-0101 http://tsongas.house.gov/?sectionid=11&sectiontree=311
John Tierney (D-06) 202-225-8020 978-531-1669 http://www.house.gov/tierney/IMA/email.shtml
Edward J. Markey (D-07) 202-225-2836 781-396-2900 http://markey.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_form&Itemid=124
Michael Capuano (D-08) 202-225-5111 617-621-6208 http://www.house.gov/capuano/contact/email.shtml
Stephen Lynch (D-09) 202-225-8273 508-586-5555 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Bill Delahunt (D-10) 202-225-3111 800-870-2626 william.delahunt@mail.house.gov
Maryland (MD)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D) 202-224-4654 301-345-5517 http://mikulski.senate.gov/Contact/contact.cfm
Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D) 202-224-4524 301-777-2957 http://cardin.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Wayne T. Gilchrest (R-01) 202-225-5311 410-838-2517 http://gilchrest.house.gov/contact.asp?ContactType=Form
C. A. (Dutch) Ruppersberger (D-02) 202-225-3061 410-628-2701 http://dutch.house.gov/writedutch_za.shtml
John P. Sarbanes (D-03) 202-225-4016 410-832-8890 http://sarbanes.house.gov/issue_subscribe.html
Donna Edwards (D-04) 202-225-8699 301-987-2054 4mddistrict@mail.house.gov
Steny H. Hoyer (D-05) 202-225-4131 301-843-1577 http://hoyer.house.gov/contact/email.asp
Roscoe G. Bartlett (R-06) 202-225-2721 410-857-1115 http://bartlett.house.gov/Email_Roscoe/
Elijah E. Cummings (D-07) 202-225-4741 410-685-9199 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Christopher Van Hollen, Jr. (D-08) 202-225-5341 301-891-6982 http://vanhollen.house.gov/HoR/MD08/Contact+Information/Web+Contact/Contact+Form.htm
Maine (ME)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) 202-224-5344 207-764-5124 http://snowe.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorSnowe.Email
Sen. Susan Collins (R) 202-224-2523 207-622-8414 http://collins.senate.gov/public/continue.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorCollins.Email&CFID=31278970&CFTOKEN=44699849
Thomas H. Allen (D-01) 202-225-6116 207-283-8054 rep.tomallen@mail.house.gov
Mike Michaud (D-02) 202-225-6306 207-942-6935 http://www.michaud.house.gov/article.asp?id=389
Michigan (MI)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Carl Levin (D) 202-224-6221 517-377-1508 http://levin.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Sen. Debbie A. Stabenow (D) 202-224-4822 231-929-1031 http://stabenow.senate.gov/email.cfm
Bart Stupak (D-01) 202-225-4735 231-348-0657 http://www.house.gov/stupak/IMA/issue2.htm
Peter Hoekstra (R-02) 202-225-4401 231-722-8386 http://www.house.gov/formhoekstra/IMA/email.htm
Vernon J. Ehlers (R-03) 202-225-3831 616-451-8383 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Dave Camp (R-04) 202-225-3561 989-631-2552 http://camp.house.gov/WriteRep.aspx
Dale E. Kildee (D-05) 202-225-3611 810-239-1437 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Fred Upton (R-06) 202-225-3761 269-385-0039 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Tim Walberg (R-07) 202-225-6276 877-846-6407 http://walberg.house.gov/email/zipauth.htm
Mike Rogers (R-08) 202-225-4872 877-333-6453 http://www.mikerogers.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Joe Knollenberg (R-09) 202-225-5802 248-851-1366 http://www.knollenberg.house.gov/Contact/write.htm
Candice Miller (R-10) 202-225-2106 586-997-5010 http://candicemiller.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Thaddeus McCotter (R-11) 202-225-8171 734-632-0314 http://mccotter.house.gov/HoR/MI11/Contact/Office+Contact+Information/Zipcode+Authentication+Page.htm
Sander M. Levin (D-12) 202-225-4961 586-498-7122 http://www.house.gov/levin/levin_contact_email.shtml
Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-13) 202-225-2261 313-965-9004 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
John Conyers, Jr. (D-14) 202-225-5126 313-961-5670 http://www.house.gov/conyers/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
John D. Dingell (D-15) 202-225-4071 313-278-2936 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Minnesota (MN)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Norm Coleman (R) 202-224-5641 218-477-3106 http://coleman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) 202-224-3244 218-287-2219 http://klobuchar.senate.gov/emailamy.cfm
Tim Walz (D-01) 202-225-2472 507-206-0643 http://walz.house.gov/zip_auth.shtm
John Kline (R-02) 202-225-2271 952-808-1213 http://kline.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.ContactForm&To=mn02hwyr@housemail.house.gov&CFID=19823850&CFTOKEN=41563932
Jim Ramstad (R-03) 202-225-2871 952-738-8200 http://www.house.gov/ramstad/contact_jim.html
Betty McCollum (D-04) 202-225-6631 651-224-9191 http://mccollum.house.gov/custom/mccollum-contactme.asp
Keith Ellison (D-05) 202-225-4755 612-522-1212 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Michele Bachmann (R-06) 202-225-2331 651-731-5400 http://bachmann.house.gov/Email/
Collin C. Peterson (D-07) 202-225-2165 218-253-4356 http://collinpeterson.house.gov/email.html
James L. Oberstar (D-08) 202-225-6211 218-828-4400 http://wwwc.house.gov/oberstar/zipauth.htm
Missouri (MO)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Kit Bond (R) 202-224-5721 417-864-8258 http://bond.senate.gov/contact/contactme.cfm
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) 202-224-6154 573-651-0964 http://mccaskill.senate.gov/contact/
William Lacy Clay, Jr. (D-01) 202-225-2406 314-383-5240 http://lacyclay.house.gov/contact.htm
Todd Akin (R-02) 202-225-2561 314-590-0029 http://www.house.gov/akin/email.shtml
Russ Carnahan (D-03) 202-225-2671 314-962-1523 http://carnahan.house.gov/contact.shtml
Ike Skelton (D-04) 202-225-2876 816-228-4242 http://www.house.gov/skelton/email.shtml
Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-05) 202-225-4535 816-842-4545 http://www.house.gov/cleaver/IMA/issue.htm
Samuel B. Graves (R-06) 202-225-7041 816-233-9818 http://www.house.gov/graves/contact.shtml
Roy Blunt (R-07) 202-225-6536 417-781-1041 http://www.blunt.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Jo Ann Emerson (R-08) 202-225-4404 573-335-0101 http://www.house.gov/emerson/contact/
Kenny C. Hulshof (R-09) 202-225-2956 636-239-4001 http://hulshof.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Mississippi (MS)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Thad Cochran (R) 202-224-5054 601-965-4649 http://cochran.senate.gov/email.html
Sen. Roger F. Wicker (R) 202-224-6253 228-863-1988 http://wicker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.EMailSenatorWicker
Travis Childers (D-01) 202-225-4306 662-844-5437 https://forms.house.gov/childers/webforms/contact.htm
Bennie G. Thompson (D-02) 202-225-5876 662-335-9003 http://benniethompson.house.gov/HoR/MS02/Contact+Bennie/Contact+Bennie.htm
Charles W. (Chip) Pickering (R-03) 202-225-5031 601-932-2410 http://www.house.gov/pickering/contact/
Gene Taylor (D-04) 202-225-5772 228-469-9235 https://forms.house.gov/genetaylor/webforms/zipauth.htm
Montana (MT)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Max Baucus (D) 202-224-2651 406-449-5480 http://baucus.senate.gov/contact/emailForm.cfm?subj=issue
Sen. Jon Tester (D) 202-224-2644 406-365-2391 http://tester.senate.gov/Contact/index.cfm
Dennis Rehberg (R-ALL) 202-225-3211 406-443-7878 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
North Carolina (NC)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R) 202-224-6342 828-698-3747 http://dole.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.ContactForm
Sen. Richard Burr (R) 202-224-3154 800-685-8916 http://burr.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
G. K. Butterfield, Jr. (D-01) 202-225-3101 252-823-0236 http://butterfield.house.gov/contactinfo.asp
Bobby Etheridge (D-02) 202-225-4531 888-262-6202 http://etheridge.house.gov/Contact/
Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R-03) 202-225-3415 800-351-1697 http://jones.house.gov/contact_form_email.cfm
David E. Price (D-04) 202-225-1784 919-859-5999 http://price.house.gov/contact/contact_form.shtml
Virginia Foxx (R-05) 202-225-2071 336-778-0211 http://www.house.gov/formfoxx/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Howard Coble (R-06) 202-225-3065 704-209-0426 howard.coble@mail.house.gov
Mike McIntyre (D-07) 202-225-2731 910-815-4959 http://www.house.gov/mcintyre/issue.shtml
Robin Hayes (R-08) 202-225-3715 910-997-2070 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Sue Myrick (R-09) 202-225-1976 704-362-1060 http://myrick.house.gov/zipauth.shtml
Patrick McHenry (R-10) 202-225-2576 828-327-6100 http://mchenry.house.gov/zipauth.htm
Heath Shuler (D-11) 202-225-6401 828-252-1651 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Melvin L. Watt (D-12) 202-225-1510 336-275-9950 http://watt.house.gov/IQform.asp
Brad Miller (D-13) 202-225-3032 336-574-2909 http://bradmiller.house.gov/?sectionid=17&sectiontree=917
North Dakota (ND)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Kent Conrad (D) 202-224-2043 701-258-4648 https://conrad.senate.gov/contact/webform.cfm
Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D) 202-224-2551 701-239-5389 senator@dorgan.senate.gov
Earl Pomeroy (D-ALL) 202-225-2611 701-235-9760 http://www.house.gov/formpomeroy/zipauth.htm
Nebraska (NE)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) 202-224-4224 308-236-7602 http://hagel.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
Sen. Ben Nelson (D) 202-224-6551 402-441-4600 http://bennelson.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Jeff Fortenberry (R-01) 202-225-4806 402-438-1598 http://fortenberry.house.gov/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
Lee Terry (R-02) 202-225-4155 402-397-9944 http://www.house.gov/formleeterry/IMA/issue.htm
Adrian Smith (R-03) 202-225-6435 308-633-6333 http://www.house.gov/formadriansmith/issues_subscribe.htm
New Hampshire (NH)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Judd Gregg (R) 202-224-3324 603-622-7979 http://gregg.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. John Sununu (R) 202-224-2841 603-577-8960 mailbox@sununu.senate.gov
Carol Shea-Porter (D-01) 202-225-5456 603-743-4813 http://shea-porter.house.gov/?sectionid=84&sectiontree=84
Paul Hodes, II (D-02) 202-225-5206 603-579-6913 http://hodes.house.gov/contact.aspx
New Jersey (NJ)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D) 202-224-3224 973-639-8700 http://lautenberg.senate.gov/contact/
Sen. Robert Menendez (D) 202-224-4744 973-645-3030 http://menendez.senate.gov/contact/contact.cfm
Robert E. Andrews (D-01) 202-225-6501 856-546-5100 http://www.house.gov/andrews/contact_form_za.shtml
Frank A. LoBiondo (R-02) 202-225-6572 800-471-4450 http://www.house.gov/lobiondo/IMA/issue.htm
Jim Saxton (R-03) 202-225-4765 609-261-5800 http://www.house.gov/saxton/email-jim-zip-entry.shtml
Christopher H. Smith (R-04) 202-225-3765 732-350-2300 http://chrissmith.house.gov/zipauth.html
E. Scott Garrett (R-05) 202-225-4465 973-300-2000 http://www.house.gov/formgarrett/contact.shtml
Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-06) 202-225-4671 732-571-1140 http://www.house.gov/pallone/contact.shtml
Mike Ferguson (R-07) 202-225-5361 908-757-7835 http://www.ferguson.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.ContactForm
Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-08) 202-225-5751 973-523-5152 http://pascrell.house.gov/contact/
Steven R. Rothman (D-09) 202-225-5061 201-646-0808 https://forms.house.gov/rothman/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Donald M. Payne (D-10) 202-225-3436 201-369-0392 http://www.house.gov/payne/IMA/email.shtml
Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (R-11) 202-225-5034 973-984-0711 http://frelinghuysen.house.gov/contactus/form.cfm
Rush Holt (D-12) 202-225-5801 609-750-9365 http://holt.house.gov/contact.shtml
Albio Sires (D-13) 202-225-7919 201-823-2900 http://sires.house.gov//IMA/issue_subscribe.shtml
New Mexico (NM)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R) 202-224-6621 575-526-5475 http://domenici.senate.gov/contact/contactform.cfm
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D) 202-224-5521 575-622-7113 http://bingaman.senate.gov/contact/types/email-issue.cfm
Heather A. Wilson (R-01) 202-225-6316 505-346-6781 http://wilson.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Steve Pearce (R-02) 202-225-2365 575-622-0055 http://pearce.house.gov/contact/issue_subscribe.htm
Thomas Udall (D-03) 202-225-6190 505-454-4080 http://www.tomudall.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=223
Nevada (NV)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Harry Reid (D) 202-224-3542 775-882-7343 http://reid.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Sen. John Ensign (R) 202-224-6244 775-686-5770 http://ensign.senate.gov/forms/email_form.cfm
Shelley Berkley (D-01) 202-225-5965 702-220-9823 http://berkley.house.gov/contact/email.html
Dean Heller (R-02) 202-225-6155 702-255-1651 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Jon Porter (R-03) 202-225-3252 702-387-4941 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
New York (NY)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Charles Schumer (D) 202-224-6542 585-263-5866 http://schumer.senate.gov/SchumerWebsite/contact/webform.cfm
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) 202-224-4451 315-376-6118 http://clinton.senate.gov/contact/webform.cfm
Timothy H. Bishop (D-01) 202-225-3826 631-259-8450 http://timbishop.house.gov/?sectionid=96&sectiontree=796
Steve J. Israel (D-02) 202-225-3335 631-951-2210 http://israel.house.gov/?sectionid=89&sectiontree=89
Peter T. King (R-03) 202-225-7896 516-541-4225 pete.king@mail.house.gov
Carolyn McCarthy (D-04) 202-225-5516 516-739-3008 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Gary L. Ackerman (D-05) 202-225-2601 718-423-2154 http://www.house.gov/ackerman/pages/contact.html
Gregory W. Meeks (D-06) 202-225-3461 718-738-4200 http://www.house.gov/meeks/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
Joseph Crowley (D-07) 202-225-3965 718-320-2314 http://crowley.house.gov/contact/index.asp
Jerrold Nadler (D-08) 202-225-5635 212-367-7350 http://www.house.gov/nadler/emailform.shtml
Anthony Weiner (D-09) 202-225-6616 718-520-9001 http://weiner.house.gov/email_anthony.aspx
Edolphus Towns (D-10) 202-225-5936 718-855-8018 http://www.house.gov/towns/contact_form.shtml
Yvette Clarke (D-11) 202-225-6231 718-287-1142 http://clarke.house.gov/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
Nydia M. Velazquez (D-12) 202-225-2361 212-673-3997 http://www.house.gov/velazquez/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Vito Fossella (R-13) 202-225-3371 718-630-5277 http://fossellaforms.house.gov/contact/
Carolyn B. Maloney (D-14) 202-225-7944 718-932-1804 http://maloney.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_form&Itemid=73
Charles B. Rangel (D-15) 202-225-4365 212-663-3900 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Jose E. Serrano (D-16) 202-225-4361 718-620-0084 jserrano@mail.house.gov
Eliot L. Engel (D-17) 202-225-2464 845-735-1000 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Nita M. Lowey (D-18) 202-225-6506 914-428-1707 http://lowey.house.gov/?sectionid=56&sectiontree=56
John Hall (D-19) 202-225-5441 845-291-4100 http://johnhall.house.gov/emailjohn.asp
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-20) 202-225-5614 518-581-8247 http://forms.house.gov/gillibrand/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Michael R. McNulty (D-21) 202-225-5076 518-843-3400 mike.mcnulty@mail.house.gov
Maurice D. Hinchey (D-22) 202-225-6335 845-331-4466 http://www.house.gov/hinchey/contact/zipauth.shtml
John M. McHugh (R-23) 202-225-4611 518-563-1406 http://mchugh.house.gov/zipauth.aspx
Michael Arcuri (D-24) 202-225-3665 607-756-2470 http://arcuri.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
James T. Walsh (R-25) 202-225-3701 315-423-5657 http://walsh.house.gov/zipauth.shtml
Thomas M. Reynolds (R-26) 202-225-5265 585-663-5570 http://www.house.gov/formreynolds/zipauth.html
Brian M. Higgins (D-27) 202-225-3306 716-484-0729 http://higgins.house.gov/email.asp
Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-28) 202-225-3615 716-853-5813 http://www.louise.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=506&Itemid=153
John R. (Randy) Kuhl, Jr. (R-29) 202-225-3161 607-776-9142 http://www.house.gov/formkuhl/IMA/issue.htm
Ohio (OH)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. George Voinovich (R) 202-224-3353 614-469-6697 http://voinovich.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) 202-224-2315 513-684-1021 http://brown.senate.gov/contact/
Steve Chabot (R-01) 202-225-2216 513-684-2723 http://www.house.gov/chabot/zipauth.shtml
Jean Schmidt (R-02) 202-225-3164 800-784-6366 http://www.house.gov/schmidt/contact.shtml
Mike Turner (R-03) 202-225-6465 937-383-8931 http://www.house.gov/miketurner/IMA/contact.shtml
Jim Jordan (R-04) 202-225-2676 419-423-3210 http://jordan.house.gov/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
Robert E. Latta (R-05) 202-225-6405 419-668-0206 http://latta.house.gov/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
Charles Wilson (D-06) 202-225-5705 740-376-0868 http://www.charliewilson.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=139
David L. Hobson (R-07) 202-225-4324 740-654-5149 http://hobson.house.gov/contact.aspx
John A. Boehner (R-08) 202-225-6205 513-779-5400 http://johnboehner.house.gov/Contact/
Marcy Kaptur (D-09) 202-225-4146 419-259-7500 http://www.kaptur.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=152
Dennis J. Kucinich (D-10) 202-225-5871 440-845-2707 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Vacant (-11) 202-225-7032 216-522-4900 N/A
Patrick J. Tiberi (R-12) 202-225-5355 614-523-2555 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Betty Sutton (D-13) 202-225-3401 330-865-8450 http://sutton.house.gov/about/emailform.cfm
Steve C. LaTourette (R-14) 202-225-5731 800-447-0529 http://latourette.house.gov/ContactSteve.aspx
Deborah Pryce (R-15) 202-225-2015 614-469-5614 http://www.house.gov/pryce/IMA/write.html
Ralph Regula (R-16) 202-225-3876 330-722-3793 http://regula.house.gov/zipauth.html
Tim Ryan (D-17) 202-225-5261 330-373-0074 http://timryan.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=129&Itemid=42
Zack T. Space (D-18) 202-225-6265 740-452-6338 http://space.house.gov/?sectionid=61&sectiontree=2661
Oklahoma (OK)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. James M. Inhofe (R) 202-224-4721 918-426-0933 http://www.inhofe.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. Tom Coburn (R) 202-224-5754 918-581-7651 http://coburn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorCoburn.Home
John Sullivan (R-01) 202-225-2211 918-336-6500 http://sullivan.house.gov/contact/write.htm
Dan Boren (D-02) 202-225-2701 918-341-9336 http://www.house.gov/boren/emailsignup.shtml
Frank D. Lucas (R-03) 202-225-5565 580-256-5752 https://forms.house.gov/lucas/contact-form.shtml
Tom Cole (R-04) 202-225-6165 580-436-5375 http://www.cole.house.gov/contact-tom.html
Mary Fallin (R-05) 202-225-2132 405-273-1733 http://fallin.house.gov/send_email_zip_authentication.shtml
Oregon (OR)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Ron Wyden (D) 202-224-5244 541-431-0229 http://wyden.senate.gov/contact/
Sen. Gordon Smith (R) 202-224-3753 503-326-3386 http://gsmith.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
David Wu (D-01) 202-225-0855 800-422-4003 http://www.house.gov/wu/email.shtml
Greg Walden (R-02) 202-225-6730 800-533-3303 http://walden.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactGreg.Home
Earl Blumenauer (D-03) 202-225-4811 503-231-2300 http://blumenauer.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_form&Itemid=206
Peter A. DeFazio (D-04) 202-225-6416 541-465-6732 http://www.house.gov/formdefazio/contact.html
Darlene Hooley (D-05) 202-225-5711 503-557-1324 http://hooley.house.gov/index.asp?Type=DYNAFORM&SEC={9BDA1E4D-2430-4E7D-B7AB-236B60C42F5A}
Pennsylvania (PA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Arlen Specter (R) 202-224-4254 570-346-2006 http://specter.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. Robert P. Casey (D) 202-224-6324 570-941-0930 http://casey.senate.gov/contact/
Robert A. Brady (D-01) 202-225-4731 610-874-7094 http://www.house.gov/formrobertbrady/issue.htm
Chaka Fattah (D-02) 202-225-4001 215-387-6404 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Phil English (R-03) 202-225-5406 814-456-2038 http://www.house.gov/english/zipauth.shtml
Jason Altmire (D-04) 202-225-2565 724-378-0928 https://forms.house.gov/altmire/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
John E. Peterson (R-05) 202-225-5121 814-238-1776 http://www.house.gov/johnpeterson/ima/contact.htm
Jim Gerlach (R-06) 202-225-4315 610-376-7630 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Joe Sestak (D-07) 202-225-2011 610-892-8623 http://sestak.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Patrick Murphy (D-08) 202-225-4276 215-348-1194 http://www.patrickmurphy.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=86
Bill Shuster (R-09) 202-225-2431 717-264-8308 http://www.house.gov/shuster/zipauth.htm
Christopher Carney (D-10) 202-225-3731 570-327-1902 http://carney.house.gov/contact.shtml
Paul E. Kanjorski (D-11) 202-225-6511 570-895-4176 http://kanjorski.house.gov/?option=com_content&task=view&id=2&Itemid=
John P. Murtha (D-12) 202-225-2065 724-543-3607 https://forms.house.gov/murtha/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Allyson Schwartz (D-13) 202-225-6111 215-335-3355 http://schwartz.house.gov/issue_subscribe.shtml
Michael F. Doyle (D-14) 202-225-2135 412-664-4049 http://www.house.gov/doyle/email_mike.shtml
Charles W. Dent (R-15) 202-225-6411 215-541-4106 http://dent.house.gov/contact.aspx
Joseph R. Pitts (R-16) 202-225-2411 610-444-4581 http://www.house.gov/pitts/contact.shtml
Tim Holden (D-17) 202-225-5546 570-622-4212 http://www.holden.house.gov/feedback.cfm?campaign=Holden&type=Let s Talk
Tim Murphy (R-18) 202-225-2301 412-344-5583 http://murphy.house.gov/Contact/zipauth.htm
Todd R. Platts (R-19) 202-225-5836 717-249-0190 http://www.house.gov/platts/email.shtml
Puerto Rico (PR)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
R.C. Luis G. Fortuno (R) 202-225-2615 787-723-6333 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Rhode Island (RI)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Jack Reed (D) 202-224-4642 401-943-3100 http://reed.senate.gov/contact/contact-share.cfm
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) 202-224-2921 401-453-5294 http://whitehouse.senate.gov/contact/
Patrick J. Kennedy (D-01) 202-225-4911 401-729-5600 http://www.house.gov/formpatrickkennedy/IMA/issue.htm
James R. Langevin (D-02) 202-225-2735 401-732-9400 http://langevin.house.gov/comments.shtml
South Carolina (SC)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) 202-224-5972 864-888-3330 http://lgraham.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.EmailSenatorGraham
Sen. James DeMint (R) 202-224-6121 864-233-5366 http://demint.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-01) 202-225-3176 843-445-6459 http://brown.house.gov/writebrown/
Joe Wilson (R-02) 202-225-2452 843-521-2530 http://www.house.gov/formwilson/IMA/issue.htm
Gresham Barrett (R-03) 202-225-5301 864-223-8251 http://www.house.gov/formbarrett/writebarrett.htm
Bob Inglis (R-04) 202-225-6030 864-582-6422 http://inglis.house.gov/contact.asp?content=sections/contact/write_inglis
John M. Spratt, Jr. (D-05) 202-225-5501 803-327-1114 http://www.house.gov/spratt/email_john.shtml
James E. Clyburn (D-06) 202-225-3315 803-854-4700 http://clyburn.house.gov/zip_code_verify.cfm
South Dakota (SD)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Tim Johnson (D) 202-224-5842 605-341-3990 http://johnson.senate.gov/contact/
Sen. John R. Thune (R) 202-224-2321 605-348-7551 http://thune.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Email
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-ALL) 202-225-2801 605-626-3440 stephanie.herseth@mail.house.gov
Tennessee (TN)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) 202-224-4944 731-423-9344 http://alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.Home
Sen. Bob Corker (R) 202-224-3344 731-424-9655 http://corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.ContactMe
David Davis (R-01) 202-225-6356 423-317-7459 http://daviddavis.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-02) 202-225-5435 865-523-3772 http://www.house.gov/duncan/contactform_zipcheck.shtml
Zach Wamp (R-03) 202-225-3271 423-756-2342 http://www.house.gov/wamp/contact_email.shtm
Lincoln Davis (D-04) 202-225-6831 931-473-7251 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Jim Cooper (D-05) 202-225-4311 615-736-5295 http://www.cooper.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=117
Bart Gordon (D-06) 202-225-4231 615-451-5174 http://gordon.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Marsha Blackburn (R-07) 202-225-2811 901-382-5811 http://blackburn.house.gov/contactform/
John S. Tanner (D-08) 202-225-4714 731-885-7070 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Steve Ira Cohen (D-09) 202-225-3265 901-544-4131 http://cohen.house.gov/index.php?option=com_email_form&Itemid=111
Texas (TX)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) 202-224-5922 210-340-2885 http://hutchison.senate.gov/contact.cfm
Sen. John Cornyn (R) 202-224-2934 903-593-0902 http://cornyn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Louie Gohmert (R-01) 202-225-3035 866-535-6302 http://gohmert.house.gov/contact_louie.htm
Ted Poe (R-02) 202-225-6565 877-218-1997 http://poe.house.gov/email/
Sam Johnson (R-03) 202-225-4201 972-470-0892 http://www.house.gov/formsamjohnson/IMA/issue.htm
Ralph M. Hall (R-04) 202-225-6673 972-771-9118 http://www.house.gov/ralphhall/IMA/zipauth.htm
Jeb Hensarling (R-05) 202-225-3484 903-675-8288 http://www.house.gov/hensarling/contact_web.shtml
Joe Barton (R-06) 202-225-2002 936-544-8488 http://joebarton.house.gov/ContactJoe.aspx?Type=Contact
John A. Culberson (R-07) 202-225-2571 713-682-8828 http://www.culberson.house.gov/contactinfo.aspx
Kevin Brady (R-08) 202-225-4901 936-439-9532 rep.brady@mail.house.gov
Al Green (D-09) 202-225-7508 713-383-9234 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Michael T. McCaul (R-10) 202-225-2401 281-255-8372 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Mike Conaway (R-11) 202-225-3605 432-331-9667 http://conaway.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx#email
Kay Granger (R-12) 202-225-5071 817-338-0909 http://kaygranger.house.gov/?sectionid=46&sectiontree=46
Mac Thornberry (R-13) 202-225-3706 806-371-8844 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ron Paul (R-14) 202-225-2831 361-576-1231 http://www.house.gov/paul/contact.shtml
Ruben Hinojosa (D-15) 202-225-2531 361-358-8400 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Silvestre Reyes (D-16) 202-225-4831 915-534-4400 http://wwwc.house.gov/reyes/voice_your_opinion.asp
Chet Edwards (D-17) 202-225-6105 979-691-8797 http://edwards.house.gov/html/contact_form_email.cfm
Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-18) 202-225-3816 713-227-7740 http://www.jacksonlee.house.gov/contact.shtml
Randy Neugebauer (R-19) 202-225-4005 806-763-1611 http://www.randy.house.gov/?sectionid=65&sectiontree=865
Charles A. Gonzalez (D-20) 202-225-3236 210-472-6195 http://www.gonzalez.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=170
Lamar Smith (R-21) 202-225-4236 830-896-0154 http://lamarsmith.house.gov/contact.aspx?section=Mail
Nick Lampson (D-22) 202-225-5951 281-240-3700 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ciro Rodriguez (D-23) 202-225-4511 432-336-3975 http://www.rodriguez.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=46
Kenny Marchant (R-24) 202-225-6605 972-556-0162 http://marchant.house.gov/emailkenny.shtml
Lloyd Doggett (D-25) 202-225-4865 512-916-5921 http://www.house.gov/doggett/doggett_ima/doggett_get_address.htm
Michael Burgess (R-26) 202-225-7772 972-434-9700 http://burgess.house.gov/Contact/Offices/
Solomon P. Ortiz (D-27) 202-225-7742 361-883-5868 http://www.house.gov/formortiz/issue.htm
Henry Cuellar (D-28) 202-225-1640 956-631-4826 http://cuellar.house.gov/Contact/SendMeAnEmail.htm
Gene Green (D-29) 202-225-1688 281-999-5879 http://www.house.gov/green/contact/
Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-30) 202-225-8885 214-922-8885 http://www.house.gov/ebjohnson/IMA/issue_subscribe.shtml
John Carter (R-31) 202-225-3864 512-246-1600 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Pete Sessions (R-32) 202-225-2231 972-392-0505 http://www.house.gov/sessionsform/emailform.htm

Utah (UT)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R) 202-224-5251 801-625-5672 http://hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Offices.Contact
Sen. Robert F. Bennett (R) 202-224-5444 801-625-5676 http://bennett.senate.gov/contact/email_opinion.cfm
Rob Bishop (R-01) 202-225-0453 801-625-0107 http://robbishop.house.gov/ZipAuth.aspx
James D. Matheson (D-02) 202-225-3011 435-627-0880 https://forms.house.gov/matheson/contact.shtml
Chris Cannon (R-03) 202-225-7751 801-569-5125 cannon.ut03@mail.house.gov

Virginia (VA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. John W. Warner (R) 202-224-2023 804-739-0247 http://warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Sen. James Webb (D) 202-224-4024 276-679-4925 http://webb.senate.gov/contact/
Robert J. Wittman (R-01) 202-225-4261 804-443-0668 https://forms.house.gov/wittman/IMA/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Thelma Drake (R-02) 202-225-4215 757-787-7836 http://www.house.gov/formdrake/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Robert C. Scott (D-03) 202-225-8351 804-644-4845 http://www.house.gov/writerep/?Submit=Email+Bobby+Scott
J. Randy Forbes (R-04) 202-225-6365 757-382-0080 http://randyforbes.house.gov/zipauth.html
Virgil Goode (R-05) 202-225-4711 434-392-8331 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Bob Goodlatte (R-06) 202-225-5431 540-432-2391 http://www.house.gov/goodlatte/emailbob.htm
Eric I. Cantor (R-07) 202-225-2815 540-825-8960 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
James P. Moran (D-08) 202-225-4376 703-971-4700 http://moran.house.gov/zipauth.shtml
Rick Boucher (D-09) 202-225-3861 540-980-4310 http://www.boucher.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=645&Itemid=
Frank R. Wolf (R-10) 202-225-5136 800-850-3463 http://www.house.gov/formwolf/contact_email/emailzip.shtml
Tom M. Davis, III (R-11) 202-225-1492 703-590-4599 http://tomdavis.house.gov/davis_contents/center/feedback/

Virgin Islands (VI)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Del. Donna M. Christensen (D) 202-225-1790 340-778 5900 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Vermont (VT)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D) 202-224-4242 802-229-0569 senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) 202-224-5141 802-223-2241 http://www.sanders.senate.gov/comments/
Peter Welch (D-ALL) 202-225-4115 888-605-7270 http://www.house.gov/formwelch/issue_subscribe.htm
Washington (WA)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Patty Murray (D) 202-224-2621 206-553-5545 http://murray.senate.gov/email/index.cfm
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D) 202-224-3441 509-353-2507 http://cantwell.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Jay Inslee (D-01) 202-225-6311 206-361-0233 http://www.house.gov/inslee/contact/email.html
Rick R. Larsen (D-02) 202-225-2605 360-733-4500 http://www.house.gov/larsen/IMA/issue_subscribe.shtml
Brian Baird (D-03) 202-225-3536 360-695-6292 http://www.house.gov/baird/IMA/email.shtml
Richard (Doc) Hastings (R-04) 202-225-5816 509-452-3243 http://hastings.house.gov/ContactForm.aspx
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-05) 202-225-2006 509-353-2374 http://www.mcmorris.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Norman D. Dicks (D-06) 202-225-5916 360-452-3370 http://www.house.gov/dicks/email.shtml
Jim McDermott (D-07) 202-225-3106 206-553-7170 http://www.house.gov/mcdermott/contact.shtml
Dave Reichert (R-08) 202-225-7761 206-275-3438 http://reichert.house.gov/Contact/ZipAuth.htm
Adam Smith (D-09) 202-225-8901 253-896-3775 http://www.house.gov/adamsmith/IMA/email.shtml
Wisconsin (WI)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Herb Kohl (D) 202-224-5653 608-264-5338 http://kohl.senate.gov/gen_contact.html
Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D) 202-224-5323 715-848-5660 http://feingold.senate.gov/contact_opinion.html
Paul Ryan (R-01) 202-225-3031 608-752-4050 http://www.house.gov/ryan/email.htm
Tammy Baldwin (D-02) 202-225-2906 608-258-9800 http://www.house.gov/formbaldwin/IMA/get_address.htm
Ron Kind (D-03) 202-225-5506 715-831-9214 http://www.house.gov/kind/contact.shtml
Gwen Moore (D-04) 202-225-4572 414-297-1140 http://www.house.gov/gwenmoore/contact.shtml
F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-05) 202-225-5101 262-784-1111 http://sensenbrenner.house.gov/email_zip.htm
Thomas E. Petri (R-06) 202-225-2476 920-231-6333 https://forms.house.gov/petri/zip_authen.shtml
David R. Obey (D-07) 202-225-3365 715-842-5606 http://www.obey.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=637&Itemid=187
Steve Kagen (D-08) 202-225-5665 920-437-1954 http://kagen.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
West Virginia (WV)
Member Phone District Num Electronic Correspondence
Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D) 202-224-3954 304-342-5855 http://byrd.senate.gov/byrd_email.html
Sen. John D. (Jay) Rockefeller, IV (D) 202-224-6472 304-262-9285 http://rockefeller.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Alan B. Mollohan (D-01) 202-225-4172 304-232-5390 CongressmanMollohan@mail.house.gov
Shelley Moore Capito (R-02) 202-225-2711 304-925-5964 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Nick Joe Rahall, II (D-03) 202-225-3452 304-325-6222 http://www.rahall.house.gov/?sectionid=9&sectiontree=9
Wyoming (WY)
Member Phone District Num

Sen. Michael Enzi (R) 202-224-3424 307-261-6572 http://enzi.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.EmailSenatorEnzi
Sen. John A. Barrasso (R) 202-224-6441 307-672-6456

Barbara Cubin (R-ALL) 202-225-2311 307-261-6595

Find your elected repre

Small Claims Court, Be your own lawyer

Small Claims Court Be your own lawyer is a resource guide Service of the Injury lawyers of Free legal Shield Attorney Referral Service. The goal of Free Legal Shield Attorney Referral Service is to offer the legal consumer information to help you understand the law and the role of Injury a lawyers as officers of the court. In small claims court you can be your own lawyer. Here you will find some helpful tips about small claims court. Free Legal shields lawyers are available for support assistance and guidance thru the process.

Small claims court offers ordinary people the chance to resolve small disputes at a low cost and without a lot of complication. With a little education, you can represent yourself without a lawyer from start to finish in small claims court.

A small claims case is a legal action filed in county court to settle minor legal disputes among parties where a certain dollar amount is involved. This amount differs by state but it can be as little as $5,000 or less, excluding costs, interest, and attorneys fees.

Any forms that have been approved for statewide use are located in the rules of court procedure for Florida or Georgia. The clerk of court may also be able to provide you with copies of the appropriate forms. many civil lawyers have these forms available and can help you fill them out.

Small claims cases should be filed with the clerk of court in the appropriate county. Filing fees for small claims actions are established in the Florida or Georgia Statutes and local county ordinances, and are subject to change by legislative action.

After you file your small claims case, each person or business you are suing must be served with a summons or notice to appear in small claims court on the date and time scheduled when you initially filed your claim. Additional fees are required for service of process on the parties being sued.

The court cannot collect money damages for you. You may wish to consult with a Free Legal Shield Lawyer, attorney or law firm for advice on how to collect a judgment.

Florida Small claims Court information

Small Claims are heard in County Court.

Statutes: Florida Rules of Court: Small Claims Rules, No. 7.010-7.350.

Dollar Limit: $5,000.

Where To Sue: Where defendant resides or injury occurred. For contract cases, where contract entered into or, if applicable, where contract provides. Where unsecured note was signed or where maker resides. In suit to recover property, where property is located.

Service: Peace officer or court-appointed disinterested adult. Certified mail with return receipt (Florida defendants only).

Hearing Date: Trial date within 60 days after pre-trial conference.

Georgia Small Claims Court Information

Georgia has no Small Claims Court. Cases are heard in Magistrate Court.

  • Statues: Georgia Code Annotated Title 15, Ch. 10, Sections 1, 2, 40-53.
  • Dollar Limit: $15,000.
  • Where To Sue: Where defendant resides.
  • Service: Constable or court-approved disinterested adult.
  • Hearing Date: Set by court.
  • Attorneys: Allowed.
  • Transfer: If defendant counterclaims for more than $15,000; to appropriate court depending on amount.
  • Appeals: By either side for new trial; to Superior Court within 30 days.
  • Special Provisions: Equitable relief available. No jury trial. Court may order installment payments. Defendant must answer complaint (in writing or orally) within 30 days to avoid default.Note: This section outlines the special rules that apply to the small claims courts of all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Providing for Pets

Lawyers for Providing for Your Pets.

In The Event of Your Death or Hospitalization

Planning for Your Pets in Your Will

Designating Caretakers
Providing Funds for Pet Care
Designating a Shelter or Charitable Organization To Care for Your Pets
Making a Conditional Bequest
Establishing a Pet Trust
Providing for Euthanasia If Care takers Cannot Be Found
Providing Funds for Pet Care During The Transitional Period

Planning for Short-Term Pet Care

Arranging for a Shelter or Charitable Organization to Provide Short-Term Care
Emergency Instructions
Providing Copies of Instructions to an Executor

For many people, particularly the elderly, a pet is an important and comforting part of life, and the care and well-being of the pet is a primary concern.

With this in mind, there are three situations in which a pet owner should plan for the care of the pet.

1 On the death of the pet owner, provisions are necessary in the pet owner s Will, to provide effectively for comfort and care for the pet.

2 On the death of the pet owner, advance arrangements should be made to protect the pet, during the period between the owner s death and the admission of the Will to probate.

Too often this period is not considered. Although a Will can make provisions for the care of the pet, no action can be taken by the Executor to carry out these provisions until the Will has been admitted to probate and the Executor has received the authority to proceed by the issuance of letters testamentary The time between death and the authority of the Executor to act can vary between several weeks and several months. Plans must be made to ensure care for the pet during this interim period.

3 Upon the incapacity or hospitalization of the pet owner, advance arrangements should be made to ensure care of the pet while the pet owner is hospitalized or incapacitated.

The purpose of this is to suggest various programs a pet owner can consider in order to provide for the comfort and care of his/her pet under any of these circumstances. In addition, this brochure includes information and sample Will provisions which may be useful to attorneys who prepare Wills for clients with pets.*

* This and the accompanying sample Will provisions are not offered as legal advice and should not be relied upon without the independent advice of a qualified attorney concentrating in trust and estate matters.

Designating Caretakers

A pet owner should find a friend or relative willing to take his/her animal and give it a good home on the death of the pet owner. The matter should be discussed in advance with the potential caretaker to make sure the animal will be cared for appropriately. The person who will receive an animal as the result of a bequest in a Will should understand that he or she becomes the animal s owner and, assuch, has all the rights and responsibilities of ownership.

The pet owner should then ask a qualified attorney to draft his/her Will, leaving the animal to the caretaker the pet owner has selected. It is best to name alternate caretakers in the Will in case the first-named person is unable or unwilling to take the animal when the time comes. An example of such a Will provision appears in Sample Will Provision I.

Another alternative is to give the Executor the discretion to select from among several caretakers prearranged and named by the pet owner in his/her Will. An example of this type of Will provision appears in Sample Will Provision II.

Providing Funds for Pet Care

Under the laws of all 50 states, a pet owner cannot leave any part of his or her estate outright to an animal. However, the owner may leave a sum of money to the person designated to care for the pet, along with a request (not a direction) that the money be used for the pet s care. It is important for the pet owner to select a caretaker he/she trusts and who will be devoted to the pet, because the caretaker has no legal obligation under the above provision to use the money for the purpose specified.

The owner should leave only a reasonable amount of money for the care of any pet. A large sum of money may prompt relatives to challenge the Will and the court may invalidate the bequest for pet care. The attorney may want to include an "in terrorem" clause in the pet owner s Will to reduce the chance of a challenge to the Will. This clause provides that if a person unsuccessfully challenges a provision in the Will, he or she cannot then receive property under any provision of the Will.

Designating a Shelter or Charitable Organization to Care for Pets

If no friend or relative can be found to take the pet, the pet owner should look for a charitable organization whose function is to care for or place companion animals. A humane society or shelter might agree to accept the animal along with a cash bequest to cover expenses. An example of this type of Will provision appears in Sample Will Provision III.

The charity should agree to take care of the animal for its life or find an adoptive home for the animal. Before selecting a shelter, find out what kind of care animal receive at the shelter (for example, an animal should not have to stay for more than a short period in a cage). If the organization is directed to find an adoptive home for the companion animal in its care, the pet owner should obtain detailed information about the adoption procedure.

Making A Conditional Bequest

A conditional bequest has the advantage of requiring the recipient to care for the pet but adds to the Executor s responsibility the task of ensuring that the person receiving the money fulfills his or her commitment. The pet owner, therefore, has to select an Executor willing to undertake this added responsibility. If a pet owner wants a conditional bequest, the attorney drafting the will must consider the relevant law concerning such provisions, since they can be invalidated by the courts and are therefore not recommended.

Establishing a Pet Trust

Under the law of most states,an animal can be the beneficiary of a trust created to care for the animal. The statute enables persons to create trusts for their animals, and such trusts can be enforced in the courts. The trust can be (i) a testamentary trust, created under a Will, to take effect upon the death of the pet owner, or (ii) an inter vivos trust, created and effective while the pet owner is alive. Examples of testamentary pet trusts appear on page 16. (See Sample Testamentary Trust for the Care of Dogs and Cats and Sample Testamentary Trust for the Care of Horses and Farm Animals).

A trustee is named in the trust instrument to manage the trust and use the funds in the trust to care for the animals. If the trustee cannot take physical possession of the animals, a different person can be named as the caretaker. Alternate trustees and caretakers should always be named, in case the first-named person is not available to act when the pet owner dies.

Providing for Euthanasia If Caretakers Cannot Be Found

Provisions in a Will directing that an animal be euthanized upon the death of its owner have been invalidated by the courts. While a pet owner may feel it is important to protect a pet from subsequent mistreatment or a "bad home," it is questionable whether a healthy pet s life must end by euthanasia when its owner dies. Nevertheless, if a pet owner wishes to provide for euthanasia, it is preferable to specify in a Will that the pet be cared for by the Executor or a friend for a period of time and ask that this person attempt to find a good home for the pet, and if no home is found after a specified reasonable period of time, that the animal may betaken for euthanasia. A court may be less likely to overturn such a provision. An example of this type of Will provision appears at the end of this document (Sample Will provision IV).

An alternative is to write a letter to a friend or relative stating that upon the death of the pet owner, the animal should be euthanized. (A signed copy should be given in advance to the friend or relative and another signed copy should be held with the Will but not made part of the Will). The letter is not legally binding and the friend or relative is not obligated to carry out the instructions of the pet owner.
Euthanasia performed pursuant to a letter from the pet owner is also subject to court challenge.

It is preferable that permission of those relatives or other persons or charities who take the balance of the estate the residuary beneficiaries-be obtained before any animals are euthanized, as the residuary beneficiaries could complain that the animal is part of the estate property and should pass to them. This is unlikely, but it has happened.

It should be noted that if you bequeath your animal to a friend or relative, that person becomes the owner and has all the rights and obligations of the pet s care, including the right to euthanize the animal.

Providing Funds for Pet Care During Transitional Period

Finally, a provision which should be included in all Wills where an animal is involved, is one allowing the Executor to use estate funds to care for the animal for the period before the animal goes to the new home designated by the pet owner. The Will should state that the costs of food, veterinary care, transportation and other expenses incurred by the Executor in caring for the decedent s pet is to be paid from the estate as an estate administration expense, whether or not the expenses are deductible for estate tax purposes. An example of this type of Will provision appears on "Sample Will Provision V".

Short-term arrangements for care of a pet are necessary to cover the period between the death of the pet owner and the issuance of letters testamentary or letters of administration. These letters give the Executor or Administrator authority to act, but depending on the jurisdiction, it may take from two weeks to two months to obtain them. Short-term arrangements are also necessary if the owner is hospitalized for a period of time.

Arranging For Friends/Relatives To Provide Short-Term Care

A pet owner should try to find a friend or relative who is willing to take care for his/her pet during these periods. The owner should leave word, preferably in writing, at home and with a neighbor, or with the building management and/or superintendent for the friend or relative to be notified. The pet owner should arrange for access to his/her home to permit the care and feeding of the pet during such short -term periods. If an apartment is involved, the owner should consider leaving a key with the superintendent or a neighbor. If there is a relative or friend in the area, the owner should consider providing that individual with a key and with written permission to the building management to enter the apartment in the event of the death or hospitalization of the pet owner.

Arranging for a Shelter or Charitable Organization to Provide Short-Term Care

There may be an animal shelter or charitable organization with which arrangements can be made to care for a pet in the event of the death or hospitalization of the pet owner. Should the owner make such arrangements, shelter personnel would need written instructions addressed to the superintendent or building management and the key to permit them access. Similarly, the pet owner should leave written instructions in his/her home and with a relative or friend to notify the shelter (if a shelter is chosen) or the individual who has agreed to take care of the pet during this period.

Emergency Instructions

Once the pet owner has decided upon such arrangements for the short-term care and feeding of the pet in the event of the pet owner s hospitalization or death, the owner should carry a copy of the instructions as part of his/her identification papers in the event of sudden hospitalization or death due to an accident or illness. An example of the type of instructions to carry appears at the end of this document.

Providing Copies of Instructions to An Executor

Finally, in the event of death, and to cover the interim period while letter stestamentary are being obtained, the Executor named in your Will should also be given copies of all applicable instructions.

In conclusion, the best way to assure proper care for a pet under the circumstances described is to make both testamentary and short-term arrangements for the pet now and to have a Will drafted by a qualified attorney. Making such arrangements may entail a significant amount of effort on the part of the pet owner, but is important so that the pet owner s animal is cared for in the event of the owner s hospitalization, incapacity or death.

Sample Will Provision I

I give my [cat, Ginger], and any other animals which I may own at the time of my death, to [Mary Smith], presently residing at[address], with the request that she treat them as companion animals. If she is unable or unwilling to accept my animals, I give such animals to [John Doe], presently residing at [address] with the request that he treat them as companion animals. If he is unable or unwilling to accept my animals, my Executor shall select an appropriate person to accept the animals and treat them as companion animals, and I give my animals to such person.
I direct my Executor to give [$_] from my estate to the person who accepts my animals, and I request (but do not direct)that these funds be used for the care of my animals.

Sample Will Provision II

My Executor shall give [my dogs] to one or more of the following persons who agree to care for such [dogs] and to treat them as companion animals:

[Mary Smith], presently residing at[address].

[John Doe], presently residing at[address].

[James Smith], presently residing at[address].

My Executor shall have the discretion to select one or more of the persons named above to receive one or more of the [dogs].If none of such persons are willing or able to take the [dogs], my Executor shall have the discretion to give the [days] to another person or persons who agree to care for such [dogs] and to treat them as companion animals.

My Executor shall give [$ ] to each person selected by my Executor and who accepts one or more of my [dogs].

Sample Will Provision III

I give all of my [dogs cats, and other animals] to the [Humane Shelter], presently located at [address], with the following requests:

. that the [Humane Shelter] take possession of and care for all my animals and search for good homes for them;

. that until homes are found for my animals, the animals be placed in foster homes rather than in cages at the shelter;

. that if it is necessary to keep some of the animals in cages while making arrangements to fend permanent homes, in no event should any animal stay more than a total of 2 weeks in a cage;

. that each animal should receive appropriate veterinary care, as needed;

. that after attempts have been made for 3months to place an animal, my [son], presently residing at [address], be contacted if it is not possible to place an animal so that he can assist with finding a home for the animal;

. that the shelter make every effort to assure that none of my animals are ever used for medical research or product testing or painful experimentation under any circumstances:

. that, after placement, shelter personnel make follow-up visits to assure that my animals are receiving proper care in their new homes.

If the [Humane Shelter] is in existence at the time of my death and is able to accept my animals, I give [$_ to the Humane Shelter]If the [Humane Shelter] is unable to accept my animals, I give my animals and [$ / to one or more similar charitable organizations as my Executor shall select, subject to the requests made above.

Sample Will: Provision IV

My [cat, Ginger], shall be delivered to[Mary Smith or John Doe] for temporary holding. The Executor shall determine the amount from the estate to go with the animal for such temporary care and feeding. The Executor shall advertise and otherwise make diligent efforts to find a good home for the animal, taking a reasonable amount of money for these purposes from the estate. If no home can be found after [ ] months, the animal shall be taken to [name and address of veterinarian]to be euthanized by the most humane method the veterinarian has competency to use.

Sample Will Provision V

I direct my Executor to pay, as an administration expense all expenses associated with the feeding and care, including veterinary costs, of my [dogs and cats] until the animals are placed with the persons that I (or my Executor) have selected to care for the [dogs and cats] for the duration of their lives, whether or not these expenses are deductible for estate tax purposes.

Sample Testamentary Trust for the Care of Dogs and Cats
I give the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and all of my dogs, cats, and any other animals of mine living at the time of my death to the trustee hereunder, IN TRUST, for the following purposes and subject to the following terms and conditions:

This trust is created pursuant to New York Estates, Powers and Trusts Law Section 7-8.1 for the benefit of all of my dogs, cats, and any other animals of mine living at the time of my death (the “Beneficiaries” herein).

The trust shall terminate upon the earlier to occur of the following events: the last to die of the Beneficiaries, or if required by New York law, twenty-one (21) years from the date of my death.

During the term of the trust, the trustee shall apply for the benefit of the Beneficiaries, any or all of the net income of the trust and so much or all of the principal of the trust from time to time, as the trustee shall in the trustee’s discretion determine to be advisable for the care, including veterinary care, of the Beneficiaries. Any income accrued but not distributed for the benefit of the Beneficiaries shall be added to the principal of the trust.

I appoint (name and address) to be the trustee of such trust. If such person has predeceased me or for any other reason is unable to act as such trustee, I appoint (name and address) to be the trustee of such trust.

I designate (name and address) to be the caretaker of the Beneficiaries. If such person has predeceased me or for any other reason is unable to act as such caretaker, I designate (name and address) to be the caretaker of the Beneficiaries. If such person has predeceased me or for any other reason is unable to act as such caretaker, the trustee shall select another person to act as caretaker of the Beneficiaries. The Trustee, in the trustee’s discretion, may pay a stipend from the trust to the person acting as such caretaker.

I designate (name and address), as the person to enforce the trust, if necessary. If such person has predeceased me or for any other reason is unable to act in this capacity, I designate (name and address) as the person to enforce the trust, if necessary.

I am creating this trust to provide for the care of my animals and the trustee does not need to consider the interests of the remainderman when making distributions. The trustee, in the trustee’s discretion, may use all of the trust property for the benefit of my animals; even if the result is that nothing will pass to the remainderman.

Upon the termination of the trust, if any property remains in the trust at the time of termination, the trustee shall distribute any such income and/or principal to (name of trust remainderman–charity that rescues animals recommended), located at (address). If such charitable organization is not in existence at the time of termination, I give the trust remainder, if any, to a charitable organization that benefits animals described in Section 170(c) and 2055(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be selected by the trustee.

Sample Testamentary Trust for the Care of Horses and Farm Animals

I give my horses, farm animals, and any other animals which I may own or have in my possession at the time of my death, and the sum of ______ Hundred Thousand Dollars, to my trustees named in Article (_____) hereunder, In Trust, to hold and arrange for the care of such animals and to invest and reinvest such funds and to pay for the expenses of the care of such animals from such property as my trustees shall in their discretion determine. This trust is created pursuant to New York Estates, Powers and Trusts Law Section 7-8.1 for the benefit of my horses, farm animals and other domestic animals. My trustees may board my animals with a suitable boarding facility, or may rent a property where the animals can live and hire a caretaker to care for the animals. The trustees shall make appropriate arrangements for the proper care of my animals, including veterinary care, during their lives. The animals are not to be sold, but the trustees may place one of more of my animals with (horse sanctuary) or (farm animal sanctuary), if the trustees, in their discretion, determine that it is in the best interests of such animals. The trustee may continue to pay for the care of such animals at such sanctuary, or make such other arrangements as may be beneficial to my animals. I designate (name and address), or if such person is unable or unwilling to act in such capacity, (alternate name and address), as the person to enforce the trust, if necessary.

This trust shall terminate upon the earlier to occur of the following events: the last to die of my animals, or if required by New York law, twenty-one (21) years from the date of my death. Upon the termination of the trust, if any animals of mine are then living, or if any income and/or principal remains in the trust at the time of termination, the trustees shall distribute any surviving animals and any such remaining income and/or principal to (name of trust remainderman–for example, horse sanctuary or farm animal sanctuary). If such sanctuary is not in existence at the time of termination, the trustees shall distribute any surviving animals and any remaining income and/or principal to an animal sanctuary or sanctuaries, to be selected by my trustees, in their discretion.

Sample Note to Carry in Wallet Regarding Emergency Care of Pets

In any situation in which I am unable to return home to feed my pets, such as my hospitalization or death, please immediately call [Mary Smith] at [address and phone] or[John Doe] at [address and phone], to arrange for the feeding of my [cats] located in my home at [address]. The superintendent of my apartment building [name, address and phone],my Executor [name, address and phone], and my neighbor [name, address and phone] have a copy of this document.

Real Estate Deposit Refunds

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Your Rights in House / Condo Deposit Refund / Recovery Cases.

Under different state and federal laws you have certain rights. If the developer fails to advise you of some of these rights or misinforms you regarding your rights you may be able to have your deposit returned.

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Many of these rights are contained under the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act ( Act ). There have been several cases in Florida regarding this Federal Act. The most significant of which is the 1990 Florida Supreme Court case of Samara Development Corp v. Marlow which held that a contract limiting condominium unit purchaser s remedy to recovery of deposit or specific performance upon default by developer created illusory obligation to complete construction within two years, and, thus, Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act governed sale.

Call The attorney connect service at 800 733-5342.

One of the exemptions to the provisions of the Act, is that the contract must unconditionally obligate the developer to complete construction within two years and must not limit purchaser s remedies of specific performance or damages. If the developer is relying on this exemption to the Act , and fails to unconditionally guarantee completion of construction within two (2) years of you signing the contract, then the developer has failed to meet the requirements of the Act and is responsible for damages to you including possible full refund of your deposit and the payment of your attorneys fees.

There are also many other exemptions that the developers try to use in order to avoid the Act. However, because of the experience and hard work of the Florida Property Rights Law Firm, sometimes we able to determine that the developer legally is not able to use any of the exemptions that they claim. This results in the client potentially obtaining a refund of their deposit or damages from the developer. Additionally, the developer may be responsible for your attorneys fees and taxable costs.

Lastly, a factor that is important to clients with deposit recovery / refund cases, is the fact that the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act is intended to protect the public and Act should be liberally construed in favor of the public and not the developers. Call The attorney connect service at 800 733-5342.

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